- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Sends Congratulation Letters to President Donald J. Trump and State Secretary Marco Rubio
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Christmas Blessing and Message from Mons. Ladislaus Szakál in 2024 - Reflections on Faith, Love and Hope
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2024
- Generosity of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) by supporting Casa Emanuel orphanage in Angola
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master and Head of the State of KMFAP - 2024
- High recognition to Sir Narcy Calamatta, Knight Commander of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the Maltese Republic Day
- Numerous Knights of the KMFAP Grand Priory of the German Langue held a meeting to discuss 2025 projects
- KMFAP Humanitarian Activities in Suriname – New Projects
- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Sends Letter of Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump
- OBITUARY – Sir Dr. Lehel György Papp, Knight of Malta, passed away
- KMFAP Humanitarian Activities in Angola in 2024
- High recognition to Sir Vecih Oudah, Special Envoy to Iraq of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- OBITUARY – Mrs. Mihaela-Aurora Buzatu, beloved wife of Sir Constantin Buzatu, passed away
- Information about the Squires and Damsels of St. John (KMFAP) – 2024
- Easter Message of the Grand Master and Head of the State of KMFAP – 2024
- Easter Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – 2024
- Grand Master’s Communiqué About the Recent Shooting of Innocents in a Theatre in Russia
- KMFAPwine.shop is already available
- Knighthood Ceremony of the KMFAP Sovereign Order of Cyprus on 26 February 2024 in Florida, USA
- OBITUARY – Sir Csaba Szamosvölgyi, Knight of Malta and State Secretary of KMFAP, passed away
- Mission Report of the Working Visit by HE. Dr. Nuno Cosmelli, Minister of KMFAP to Congo-Brazzaville
- Day of Saint John of Jerusalem celebration by the KMFAP Grand Priory of Benin
- Message from the Prime Minister of the State of Knights (KMFAP) on the Day of Saint John of Jerusalem, 2024
- Message of the Grand Master and Head of the State of KMFAP on the Day of Saint John of Jerusalem, our National Day
- Christmas Party for Children by KMFAP Mozambique Priory 2023
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2023
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master and Head of the State of KMFAP - 2023
- Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the KMFAP and the DRC
- 49th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 6-7 October 2023 in Malta
- Information about the Squires and Damsels of St. John (KMFAP) – 2023
- Official Declaration of the Magisterial House of KMFAP about Terrorism and War Crimes
- 48th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 16-17 June 2023 in Chateau Belá, Slovakia
- Generous Donation by Sir Iddriss Toppoh – Motorbikes to Nsawam Adoagyiri District Police in Ghana
- Financial Aid by the KMFAP Embassy in the Republic of the Congo to Invouba village
- Important Donation by KMFAP through its Embassy in Angola
- Easter Message of the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – 2023
- OBITUARY - Mrs. Marika Macsári, beloved mother of Lady Erika – Dame Commander of KMFAP, passed away
- Important Donation of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) to Ukraine
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Personal Christmas Greetings from the Grand Master and Head of the State of KMFAP - 2022
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2022
- 47th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 25-26 November 2022 in Chateau Belá, Slovakia
- Appointment of a New Secretary General for FEMERAID International
- 46th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 30 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2022 in Malta
- Letter of Condolence To Queen Elisabeth II
- Clarification about the Identity and Sovereignty of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- News from the KMFAP Embassy in the Republic of the Congo
- The New KMFAP Ambassador Presents His Letters of Credence in the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Sends Condolences on Death of Former President of Angola
- Post-ceremony visits of the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Hungary in June 2022
- 45th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 17-18 June 2022 in Chateau Belá, Slovakia
- Celebrating the 100th Birthday of the Great Mozambican Poet, José Craveirinha
- Donation of Protective Equipment to the Ukrainian Population by Slovenian Knights
- KMFAP Humanitarian Activities in Slovak Republic in 2022
- Message of the Grand Master about the World Day of Earth 2022
- Easter Message of the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – 2022
- Presentation of Credentials of our Ambassador to the President of the Republic of the Congo
- New Humanitarian Actions by the Bailiwick of Mozambique of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Joint Declaration by the Grand Master’s Office and the Prime Minister’s Office on Our Assistance to Refugees and Victims of the Ukrainian Conflict
- Message of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Times of War
- Sir Jose “Pepe” Diaz became Knight Commander of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus
- OBITUARY - Mons. Fabio Fabbri, Magisterial Chaplain of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP), passed away
- 44th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the 20 February 2022 in Miami, USA
- OBITUARY - Sir Daniel Lee Starks, Knight of Cyprus, passed away
- OBITUARY - Sir Attila Erdőfi-Szabó, Knight of Malta (KMFAP), passed away
- High recognition to Sir Narcy Calamatta, Knight Commander of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) at the 1st Malta Film Awards
- High recognition to Sir Prof. Pierre Mallia, Minister for Health and Hospitaller Affairs of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- News about the Humanitarian Action of “FEMERAID Brazil”
- OBITUARY - Sir István Fodros - Knight Commander of Cyprus and Sir Zoltán Elek - Knight of Malta, passed away
- Another important donation of hospital equipment by the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Benin
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2021
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2021
- High recognition to Arch Sir Júlio Quaresma, Ambassador of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- 43rd Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 8-9 October 2021 in Malta
- KMFAP offered a donation to the Kogui – Wiwi indigenous community in northern Colombia
- 42nd Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 25-26 June 2021 in Chateau Belá, Slovakia
- Re-thinking degrees in Clinical Ethics and Law from Sir Pierre Mallia – Minister for Health and Hospitaller Affairs of KMFAP (Knights of Malta)
- Donation of Hospital Equipment by the KMFAP Diplomatic Mission to Benin
- Donation by the KMFAP Bailiwick of Mozambique to Projects of the Catholic Church
- Easter Message of Monsignore Fabio Fabbri, Prelate of Honour of His Holiness the Pope and Grand Prior of the Italian Langue of KMFAP
- Easter Message of the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – 2021
- Donation of Medical Equipment in Serbia by Sir Željko Gajić, Knight of Cyprus
- News of FEMERAID International Ambulance Service – March 2021
- Donation and Phytotherapy by the KMFAP Bailiwick of Mozambique
- News of FEMERAID International Ambulance Service in Malta
- Recent Donation by the KMFAP Bailiwick of Mozambique under our “Orphan Program”
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 2-4 February 2021
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 21 January 2021
- FEMERAID International Ambulance Service - ACTIVITY REPORT 2020
- MEDICAL ALERT from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 15 January 2021
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 11-13 January 2021
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 4-6 January 2021
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue on COVID-19 as of 2 January 2021
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- The KMFAP Bailiwick of Mozambique donation before Christmas
- OBITUARY - Sir Sándor Gáspár, Knight of Malta (KMFAP), passed away
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue about COVID-19
- Christmas Message of Mons. Fabio Fabbri, Prelate of Honour of His Holiness, Grand Prior of the Italian Langue of KMFAP
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2020
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2020
- Advent Message of Mons. Ladislaus Szakál, Chaplain of His Holiness, Magisterial Chaplain of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – 2020
- History of Advent, Symbolism of the Wreath and Candles
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 2 December
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 30 November
- KMFAP Bailiwick of Mozambique continues its Humanitarian Work
- Commemorating the 900-year Anniversary of the Death of Fra Gerard, Founder and First Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem
- 41st Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (KMFAP) between 17-18 July 2020 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- Another Successful Evacuation of FEMERAID International Air Rescue
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue – How long the coronavirus survives on different surfaces?
- News about KMFAP Mozambique Donation
- High recognition to Sir Dr. Nuno Cosmelli, Director of FEMERAID International Air Rescue Service
- Updated Safety Measures when Travelling by FEMERAID International Air Rescue Medical Team
- Disinfection tunnel donated by the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia
- Constant fight against COVID-19 – Malta Cross International Foundation supports the Republic of Benin
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue on 11 August 2020
- Another Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue about COVID-19
- Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue - How the elderly face COVID-19?
- Two remarkable monuments by Arch Sir Júlio Quaresma, Ambassador of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Travel Advice from FEMERAID International
- Medical Snippet of FEMERAID International – Does warm weather reduce or eliminate COVID-19?
- Information on the Emergency Malta team of FEMERAID International Ambulance Service
- Donations of the KMFAP Priory of Centre Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic in Pécel
- Humanitarian actions of Sir Dr. Péter Fábián, State Secretary of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary
- Priory of North and Centre Slovakia of KMFAP commemorates 75th anniversary of liberation of Slovakia
- Donations of the KMFAP Priory of North and Centre Slovakia still going on
- Continuous humanitarian actions by the KMFAP Priory of North and Centre Slovakia
- Strengthening Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Benin and KMFAP
- The KMFAP Prior of Hong Kong supports the Bethany Orphanage in Cambodia
- The Academic Senate of Pro Deo State University honoured the founder of Lazarus Union, Senator Prof.h.c. Wolfgang Steinhardt SE
- FEMERAID International supports the Government of Benin in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic
- Great and ongoing humanitarian actions by the KMFAP Priory of North and Centre Slovakia
- News about a significant Donation to the Republic of Benin
- Thanks to the Grand Prior of KMFAP in Florida for donating masks in Miami-Dade County
- Additional Humanitarian Action of the KMFAP Priory of Benin during the pandemic
- "Feed the Children" Project in Mozambique by the Initiative of KMFAP ORPHANS PROGRAM
- Easter Message of Mons. Fabio Fabbri, Prelate of Honour of His Holiness the Pope and Grand Prior of the Italian Langue of KMFAP
- Humanitarian Help related to COVID-19 pandemic by the KMFAP Priory of Benin
- Creation of the FEMERAID International Alarm Centre
- FEMERAID Training to COVID-19 Ambulance crews
- FEMERAID International Air Rescue Service evacuates COVID-19 patient from Burkina Faso
- Information on How to Make Your Own Face Mask by CNN
- FEMERAID Air Rescue Service Continues the Fight Against COVID-19 on the Front Line
- FEMERAID Malta Unit in charge of transporting COVID-19 patients in the country
- Letter of our Minister of Health to the Knights and Dames of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (KMFAP)
- FEMERAID Air Rescue Service transports COVID-19 patient
- 2020/3-4. Diplomatic Magazine: Jubilee Ceremony of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in the USA
- Message from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) about Coronavirus
- 40th Jubilee Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the 23rd February 2020 in Florida, USA
- FEMERAID International prepared to fight the new coronavirus
- Establishing Diplomatic Relations between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and KMFAP
- KMFAP USA and FIU present "Challenges to Democracy in the Americas"
- Report of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Embassy in Luanda, Angola
- Medical Evacuation in Libya by FEMERAID International Air Rescue Service
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season’s Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2019
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) - 2019
- Aid and Gift Donations by Lady Renáta Kulcsárová in Switzerland at Christmas 2019
- Sir Júlio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP offers project to humanitarian organisation
- 39th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 1-3 November 2019 in Malta
- Sir Dr. Lehel György Papp – Knight of Malta (KMFAP) received a prestigious award
- A New Department of FEMERAID International has been created
- Court Judgements – Károly András Nagy sued the leaders of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- 38th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Malta between 27-28 July 2019
- Gift from the Kurdistan Regional Government to the Prime Minister of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Sir Júlio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP draws international Trophy
- 37th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (KMFAP) between 14-15 June 2019 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in the Restoration of Kwan Ti Temple of Mozambique
- 2019/06 Diplomatic Magazine: Swearing in Ceremony of the Swiss Guard in the Vatican
- New members of the Swiss Guard taking oath in the Vatican – Sir Antonio la Salandra became Knight of KMFAP
- A solemn event of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Romania
- Sculpture by Sir Júlio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP in honour of Alda Lara
- Joint letter of the Grand Master and the Lieutenant General of KMFAP to all the Knights and Dames
- Expulsion of Sir Charles A. Nagy from the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) and brief description of the happenings
- Verdict and Sentence of the Magisterial Court of Peace in the case of Sir Charles A. Nagy
- Humanitarian Aid of Slovak Knights of KMFAP for Angola has been used for right purpose
- Humanitarian action in Macedonia by the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Report about the humanitarian activities of the Slovak Grand Priory of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in 2017-2018
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season’s Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- 36th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 1-4 November 2018 in Valletta, Malta – Part 3
- 36th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 1-4 November 2018 in Valletta, Malta – Part 2
- 36th Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 1-4 November 2018 in Valletta, Malta – Part 1
- Maltese Memorial Stamp
- “Scars of Memory” sculpture by Sir Júlio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP
- Ármin Vámbéry Statue Unveiling in Dunajska Streda (Slovakia) attended by the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (KMFAP)
- 35th Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 15-16 June 2018 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- "Valletta - European Capital of Culture 2018" - article by Sir David Zammit, Knight Commander of KMFAP
- Interview of MUNPlanet with Sir Károly András Nagy - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the KMFAP
- Press Communiqué on the 12th April 2018 of the Magisterial See of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Happy Pesach - greetings from the Holy Land
- 34th Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the 25th March 2018 in the Holy Land, in Acre (Israel)
- XXVI. World Day of the Sick commemoration in Kátlovce organised by the Slovakian Grand Priory of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- 33rd Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the 10th February 2018 in Florida, USA
- New Year's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season’s Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Sovereign Order of Cyprus awards for high-ranking Slovak leaders
- 7th Moscow Legal Week with the participation of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus and the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Report on the humanitarian work of Lady Martina Luknárova and Sir Jozef Luknár, Slovakian members of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- 32nd Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 6-7 October 2017 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- “Dialogue between the generations is a basic issue” Interview with Mr. Andor Schmuck, founder of the Association of Respect
- New Year’s Greetings from the Holy Land
- Knights for Dogs in the framework of the “Orphans for Animal Rescue” international program of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Important Notice of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) regarding its admission procedure
- National Day of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – 24 June – Ladce, Slovakia
- 31st Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the 23rd June 2017 in the Bojnice Castle, Slovakia
- 21st Ball of Knights and Bodyguards at Hotel Marriott - Budapest, Hungary
- 30th Jubilee Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 5-6 May 2017 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- Solemn Investiture of the Lazarus Union (CSLI) in Austria
- The humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP), the FEMERAID International – Angola Unit continuously supports the Angolan Federation of Motorsports
- Exhibition of Sir Júlio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP (Knights of Malta) in Moscow
- Happy Pesach - Chag Pesach Sameach
- 29th Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the 11th February 2017 in Florida, USA
- Report of the humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP), the FEMERAID International – Budapest Unit’s work in 2016
- OBITUARY - Sir Mario Soares, Grand Collar Knight of KMFAP, former President of Portugal, passed away
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season’s Greetings from the Holy Land
- Kings on Ice show under the patronage of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Slovakia
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Inauguration of the Divine Mercy Stone Sanctuary, the official pilgrimage place of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Slovakia
- Commemoration and Scientific Conference at the Comenius University in Bratislava, with the participation of Pro Deo State University (PDSU) of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Establishment of Diplomatic and Consular Relations between the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) and Antigua and Barbuda
- Information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) signed Agreements on Cooperation
- Sir Júlio Quaresma’s, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP (Knights of Malta) artworks WOW effect in Moscow and Vera Award for “Dialogue among Civilizations”
- 20th Jubilee Ball of Knights and Bodyguards - Diplomatic Magazine
- The Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Prime Minister’s Visit of Condolence
- “Doctor of the Year” Award in Hungary goes to a physician of Yemenite origin
- Greetings from Mons. Fabio Fabbri, Gran Priore di Lingua Italiana
- Season's greetings from the Grand Master
- Papal Blessing for Sir Peter Lednar, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- East West Bridge (EWB) International Conference in Rome with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Sir Júlio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP (Knights of Malta) was honoured with a Royal OSCAR
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Announcement of the Second Edition of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Silver Coins
- Message of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the International Human Solidarity Day, 20th December
- The Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Prime Minister’s Visit of Condolence at the Embassy of France
- Message de la Maison Magistrale (KMFAP) sur les attentats terroristes á Paris
- Message from the Magisterial House of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) about the tragic terror attack in Paris
- 25th Jubilee Ceremony of Investiture of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) between 23-24 October 2015 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- Photos of some meetings of H.M.E.H. Lorenzo de Valitch – former Grand Master of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Message of the Grand Master on the occasion of the International Day of Peace of the United Nations
- Message of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the International Literacy Day, 8th September
- CSLI – Lazarus Union celebrated its 10th Anniversary with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Knightly Meeting of the Slovakian Grand Priory of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Ceremony of The Knightly Order of Saint George, the Martyr in Cambridge, U.K. with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Investiture of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem in Malta with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Ceremony of the International Order of Saint George, The Martyr in Warsaw with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- The delegation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) visiting Riga
- Lady Mária Czellárikova, Dame Grand Cross of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in the Oxford Encyclopedia
- Statement from Mr. Yury Fedotov, Executive Director of UNODC on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
- End of Ramadan Greetings from the Magisterial House
- High International Recognition to H.G. Prof. George Popper, Prime Minister of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- High recognition to H.G. Prof. George Popper, Prime Minister of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Message of Season's Greetings from the Grand Master and Head of the State
- Announcement from the Legal Office of the Knights of Malta - KMFAP
- Season's Greetings of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master and Head of the State
- Message of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the International Human Solidarity Day, 20th December
- Ambassador thanks for the aid after the floods
- Message of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the Human Rights Day, 10th December
- Message of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the International Volunteers Day (IVD), 5th December
- The Ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina to Hungary thanks to FEMERAID International – the humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – for the aid in times of flood
- The Hungarian Grand Priory of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) organised its 23rd international knight ceremony on the 18th October 2014 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- Special exhibition of Sir Julio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP (Knights of Malta) in Spain
- Report of the humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) – the FEMERAID International - Cambodia & PATA on the Humanitarian Day to Victims of flood in Battambong Province
- High Decoration of Prof George Popper - Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Ceremony of decoration of Mr. Stefan Popa with the Knight Cross of KMFAP (Knights of Malta) in Romania
- Message from the Grand Master of KMFAP to the Knights and Dames of Jewish Faith on the occasion of the celebrations of the Rosh Hashanah
- Sir Béla Király, Grand Cross Knight of Cyprus – holder of the “Righteous Among the Nations” award
- Message of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the World Humanitarian Day, 19 August
- Ceremony of the International Order of Saint George, The Martyr in Warsaw with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- „MUDr. Vladimir Harinek 2014” Memorial Tournament of the Slovak Red Cross in Nitra with the support of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- 90th birthday of Sir Prof. Ernő Lazarovits was celebrated by the Hungarian Grand Priory of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- USA Congressional Record of the 98th session on the 27th July 1984 about the Knights of Malta (KMFAP), on the occasion of the investiture of Mr. Joseph Anton Walters
- Ramadan Greetings from the Magisterial House of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Congratulations to Lady Andrea Lee - Dame of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus
- Humanitarian activities of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) to mitigate the damages in Serbia and in Bosnia-Herzegovina caused by the devastating flood disaster
- Official "OS" statement of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) 11th June 2014
- The Hungarian Grand Priory of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) organised its 22nd international knight ceremony between 16-17 May 2014 in Château Bela, Slovakia
- The 21st Century Knights of KMFAP (Knights of Malta) - Interview with Sir Prof. George Popper, Hungarian Grand Prior, and HMEH Prince José Cosmelli, Grand Master
- Meeting of the highest leaders of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) and the heads of the Diplomatic Mission of Peace and Prosperity during the solemn Ceremony of Investiture in Chateau Béla, Slovakia
- Important notice for the members of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) and for all our associated federations and partner organisations
- The President of Angola offered to His Holiness Pope Francisco a marble model of the basilica - project of Sir Julio Quaresma, Grand Cross Knight of KMFAP
- OBITUARY - Sir József Pintér, Minister of Science and Technical Innovation of KMFAP, passed away
- Season's greetings message from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- The humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP), the FEMERAID International – Budapest Unit visits Italy
- Important notice for all Knights and Dames of KMFAP - Knights of Malta
- The activities of the FEMERAID International Budapest Unit in 2013.
- Greetings of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the occasion of International Women's Day
- XX. Charity Concert in Šaľa – Slovakia with the support of Knights of Malta – KMFAP
- UNICEF Diploma awarded to Sir Peter Lednar, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs of Knights of Malta – KMFAP
- Training for children within the “Orphans Against Disasters” program of FEMERAID International Budapest Unit – humanitarian organisation of KMFAP
- Education about safety for children organised in Zlate Moravce / Slovakia in cooperation with Knights of Malta – KMFAP
- Initiation ceremony of the Ordines Internationales Pro Concordatia Populorum (PCO) in Montenegro
- “Orphans Against Disasters” - the new initiative of FEMERAID International Budapest Unit - the humanitarian organisation of KMFAP
- Summary of the activities of Knights of Malta – KMFAP in Africa from December 2012 to December 2013
- Season's Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Farewell of Sir Frank Philipoom, Knight Commander of KMFAP – Knights of Malta
- Announcement of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) about the passing away of H.E. Nelson Mandela
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- OBITUARY - Sir Frank Philipoom, Knight Commander of KMFAP, passed away
- The Slovakian Grand Priory of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) continued to organise its “Blood Donation” program in Zlate Moravce
- OBITUARY - Count Fra Maximillian R. Jankovich, Professed Knight of KMFAP, passed away
- Tribute to the memory of heroes – Sir Andor Schmuck, president of MSZDP, knight commander of KMFAP (Knights of Malta) visited the Ground Zero 9/11 memorial site in New York, USA
- Report on the recent activity of the KMFAP – Knights of Malta – Embassy to Angola
- Official statement of KMFAP - Knights of Malta
- Message from the Grand Master of KMFAP to Knights and Dames of Jewish Faith on the occasion of the Rosh Hashanah celebrations
- Message from the Magisterial House of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the United Nation's World Humanitarian Day
- Remembering the Romany Holocaust in Dunaszerdahely (Slovakia) with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Joyful news about the family of Sir Zoltán Gyulai, Knight of Malta (KMFAP)
- A Knight of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus is represented on a French print from 1792
- 150 Years of the International Red Cross Collaboration of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) with the Slovak Red Cross in Nitra
- Award of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) for Humanitarian work
- Life of Premature newborn baby saved by Medical Service of FEMERAID Angola
- News about the Humanitarian activity of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) Embassy to Angola
- Message about the National Day of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Donation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) for the hospital in Zlaté Moravce (Slovakia)
- Lady Mária Czellárikova (Slovakia), Dame Commander of Malta (KMFAP) received the blessings of His Holiness the Pope Francesco
- Rescue operations of FEMERAID Intl. - Budapest Unit and fight against the flood on the river Danube in Hungary
- First Aid training in Slovakia under the patronage of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Successful BASIC Volunteer Training Program of the FEMERAID Intl. – Budapest Unit
- Ceremony of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem in Malta with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Rescue operations of FEMERAID Intl. - Budapest Unit during the snow disaster in Hungary
- International Knighthood Ceremony of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Slovakia and Hungary 1st – 2nd March 2013
- Official Statement of the Magisterial House of KMFAP about the Enthronement of the new Pope, His Holiness Francesco
- Greetings of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) on the occasion of International Women's Day
- "Students' Day" Blood Donation under the patronage of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Official Statement of KMFAP about the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
- The humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) supported the education of Cambodian orphans
- News about the Humanitarian work of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Angola - Africa
- OBITUARY - Sir Zoltán Tibor Pánczél, Grand Cross Knight of Malta and Cyprus, Minister of Economy of KMFAP, passed away
- Agreement on Cooperation between the Slovak Red Cross in Nitra and the Slovakian Priory of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) started the year of 2013 with active humanitarian work
- News about the Humanitarian work of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) for children in Africa
- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) welcomes the UN decision about the “International Day of Charity”
- After 40 years a Knight Investiture of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus was held again in the U.S.
- New Year’s message from the Grand Master of KMFAP and Head of the State
- The humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) supported the Budapest Unit of FEMERAID
- The International Orphan Program of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) supported also in this school year the education of students in Gyula city, Hungary
- The humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) donated Christmas presents for military-orphans
- Season's Greetings of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- „Giving Blood” in Zlate Moravce (Slovakia) under the patronage of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Santa Claus of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) visited a nursery in the city of Győr (Hungary)
- Season's Greetings from the Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Season's Greetings from Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Letter of Condolences Bulgarian Patriarch from Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Letter of Congratulations to HE President Obama from Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Congratulations to President Obama from the Prime Minister of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- The Eid-Ul-Adha Message of the Grand Master (KMFAP) and Head of State to all the Knights of the Muslim Faith
- Report on the activity of Femeraid International - The Netherland Branch in the period of September 2012
- Message of the Grand Master (KMFAP) on the occasion of the Yom Kippur
- Interview with Sir István Elek (Minister of State of KMFAP), Hungary's Honorary Consul in Monaco - Diplomatic Magazine
- Interview with Sir Zoltán Pánczél, the Hungarian Honorary Consul in Timisoara (Romania) and Minister of Economy of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- New health insurance policy for all Knights and Dames of KMFAP (Knight of Malta)
- KMFAP news about the new FEMERAID Unit in Budapest
- KMFAP news about the new Units of FEMERAID International in Italy
- International Knighthood Ceremony of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) in Slovakia and Hungary 22nd – 23rd June 2012
- Sir Attila Pataky, Knight Commander of Malta (KMFAP) received the Hungarian State Order of Merit
- Lady Mária Czellárikova (Slovakia), Dame Commander of Malta (KMFAP) became an honorary citizen of Okoč
- Important interview given by Lady Consuelo Ciscar Casabán, Dame of Malta (KMFAP)
- Important interview given by Mons. Fabio Fabbri, Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Ceremony of Investiture and International Symposium of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus in Malta, with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP) 18th – 22nd April 2012
- Sir Zoltán Mága (Hungary), Knight Commander of Malta (KMFAP) became an honorary citizen of Budapest
- Announcement of International Seminar in Microsurgery of Vessels and Nerves
- Humanitarian activity in Africa of the Federation of Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta KMFAP)
- Lady Cynthia Ann Raddatz Dame of the Order of Cyprus
- Announcement; Federation of the Autonomous Priories – Knights of Malta
- Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta News
- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) recognition to the Equatorial Guinean foreign minister
- Seasons Greetings from the Grand Master of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Federation of Autonomous Priories – Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Federation of Autonomous Priories – Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Agreement on Cooperation between the CARITAS Organisation of the Archdiocese of Trnava and the Slovakian Priory of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- “World Day of the Sick” in Veľký Meder (Slovakia) under the patronage of KMFAP
- “National Culture and Identity” special course for the Hungarian Knights of Malta
- XVIII. Charity Concert in Vágsellye (Šaľa – Slovakia) organised by Lady Mária Czellárikova
- Sir Ernő Lazarovits, Knight of Malta (KMFAP) was welcomed by H.E. Heinz Fischer, the President of Austria
- Communique from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Knight Ceremony of the Sovereign Order of Cyprus in 1972 in New York at the United Nation's Chapel
- The Knights of Malta (KMFAP) took patronage over the activities of the International Tisza Cluster Association
- H.G. Prof. George Popper, Lieutenant General of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) visited Belgrade
- Important information about the Program for Orphans of the Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem - Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Ceremony of Knighthood in Siena / Italy of the Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta ( KMFAP )
- „Santa Malta” visited the children of a kindergarten in the city of Győr (Hungary)
- Season's Greetings Message from the Grand Master (KMFAP)
- The Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta ( KMFAP ) undertook patronage over the publications of “The European Central Research Institute of Soren Kierkegaard”
- The dream of Sir Zoltán Mága – Goodwill Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta (KMFAP) came true: playing the violin for the Pope
- Commemoration on the Gipsy Holocaust Anniversary with the participation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Femeraid Unit Angola assists the 31st SADC Heads of State and Government Summit Meeting in Angola
- Humanitarian work of the KMFAP Priory of Slovakia
- Diplomata Magazin - Pope Benedict XVI has blessed Ordo Hungariae
- Invitation for the knights to Šaľa – Slovakia (Vágsellye)
- The “100 Church concert” series of Sir Zoltán Mága has terminated
- Official statement of KMFAP about the registration of “FEMERAID EUROPE”
- The Dutch Unit of the KMFAP Magisterial State Guard was established
- KMFAP news from the USA
- Lady Consuelo Ciscar Casabán was invested into the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (KMFAP)
- Cooperation between FEMERAID International – Belgium and the Civil Protection Department of Malta
- Another great honour received by Sir Nuno Cosmelli
- Knights of Malta (KMFAP) News - Femeraid Slovakia Unit
- Great honour received by Sir Nuno Cosmelli Knight of Malta (KMFAP)
- Message from the Magisterial House of the Federation of Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta (KMFAP)
- Cooperation between the Baptist Aid and the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP)
- Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta News - Júlio Quaresma in the End of the World Biennial
- Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta News - Important document
- Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta News - A new knight was born
- Announcement; Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta
- Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta Seasons Greetings
- Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta News - Santa Claus of the Federation
- Announcement about the decease of Lady Gisela Van de Wall, Dame of Malta
- News on the Pro Deo State University of Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta
- Praise of the Red Cross, Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta
- Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the State of Knights of Malta FAP
- Congratulation to the President of the Republic of Chile on behalf of Knights of Malta FAP
- Communiqué of the Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta
- Medical Award for Sir Mihai Ionac Prof (Timisoara - Romania) - Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta
- Diplomatic Magazine - The hazards of gas
- Last honours to deceased Knights - Knight of Malta FAP News
- Announcement from the Magisterial House of KMFAP about the decease of our Vice Minister Sir József Kovács
- Announcement from the Magisterial House of KMFAP about the decease of Sir Paulo Teixeira Jorge
- Diplomatic Magazine: Africa Day and Ambassadorial visit
- National Day and Hundredth Anniversary of Knights of Malta FAP
- New Spiritual Guide for our Roman Catholic Knights of Malta FAP
- Award of Prof. Sir Mihai Ionac, MD, PhD
- Federation of the Autonomous Priories - Knights of Malta News - Sir Pintér Ferenc, Knight of Our Sovereign Order and State, received the “Entrepreneur of a year” Award
- Michael Jackson in memory of the KMFAP
- Donation to Orphans
- Message of 2009
- Seasons Greetings 2009 from the Magisterial House
- Report about the Visit to Benguela Province our Embassy and Femeraid Angola itinerant Program
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary is cooperating in safeguarding of interests with the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta Federation of the Autonomous Priories
- Appeal regarding the case of Mr. Előd Tóásó
- Press Communiqué on the occasion of the official visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Important Decoration of the French Republic bestowed upon Sir Ernö Lazarovits
- Communiqué
- Important Recognition of H.G. Prof. George Popper in London - Guildhall 21.11.2008
- To His Excellency the President of the United States of America
- Student Council Award to Damsel Viktoria Nagy
- Announcement
- Announcement
- To All Knights and Dames of the Federation
- Noche Latina
- Concert given by the World famous Tenor José Carreras
- The Grand Magisterial House very sadly announces the decease of Sir Cesar Armari
- Announcement about the decease of Mr. Kassim Said Antar, father of our knight, Sir Helme Antar
- Report on the establishment of Abu-Dhabi World Family Forum 4th – 6th June 2007 Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Report about the Ceremony of the International Knightly Order of St. George 20th April 2008, Máriapócs / HUNGARY
- To all Knights and Dames of the Federation
- The Government of Albania has highly appreciated the gesture of the Order
- Donation by the Knights of our Sovereign Order
- Announcement about the decease of Grand Master H.E.H. Dom Lorenzo Abrunedo O.S.B.
- One year ago...
- Information to all Knights and Dames of the Federation
- Message from the new Regent